
Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Actual 1st Post: Perfection Interrupted

Honestly I had no intentions/ plans to post first thing about the blog name, it was the most clever thing I could think of that suited what I'm going for here. So as I playfully Googled the blog (lame I know), I came across this song that bears the same name!
Uncanny coincidence?! Maybe.
I'm the least bit interested in the music, it's the lyrics that are kinda awesome :))
Here it is: Perfection Interrupted by Leeni (God only knows who she is/ they are)

You're like a movie that's been edited, for a Sunday afternoon rotation
You're like a poorly dubbed foreign film, everything's lost in translation
You're like a sitcom's lame substitute for vulgarity
You're like a B-rate actor's lack of sincerity

You're like an outtake to a beautifully scripted scene,
where the actor tripped and fell and shouted something obscene
You are perfection, interrupted
And your decent heart has somehow been corrupted

You're like the remake of a classic that didn't need to be improved upon
You're like the fake teeth made of plastic, where all the glisten has been painted on
You're like the logo of blatant product placement
You're like the lead in a horror film who locks herself in the basement

When the world comes to an end, we will look up at the sky,
It will fade to black as the credits roll by,
We will all look for our names for a touch of validation,
But yours will be misspelled, there's an i where the a should go.

I prescribe not listening to it more than twice, it wears off quite easily. But think of it this way, if it were set to more pop-ish music and sung by an A-list popstar, it would've made it to Billboard's top 100 :D
Enjoy :)

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