
Monday, October 10, 2016

Young and Beautiful

The thought of growing old scares me. And in that, I join the billions of people who are naturally anxious of advancing in age with all the potential health risks and the loss of loved ones and so on.

I just think it's more than that for me. For example, I'm terrified of the inevitable loneliness I'll experience more with the passing of years. And I'm not talking about not having people around, I mean the entrapment in my own psyche that will increase the older I get. How I'll stop being flexible and accepting of new ideas, How difficult it will be changing and adapting to harsh situations that my idealistic self simply wishes away. How simple it will be to hide my fears and hopes to escape ridicule or avoid conflict.

I'm also not really excited about my body aging. I can see how a year can make a difference now that I can see the pounds piling up, or how a cold doesn't go away as fast as it did before, or even the fine lines that are making a statement on my forehead to remind me I'll enjoy wrinkles for the upcoming three fourths of my life.

I'm scared of becoming less desirable...not just as a woman, but also as a person. I can see the way teenagers of 15 look at me now like I'm an old lady when I try to joke with them. It's funny sometimes, but leaves a bitter aftertaste. I'm especially reminded of it when I think a guy is cute just to find out he's a couple (or more) years younger than me, then look myself in the mirror to realize I look even older than my own age. Such a treat finding out people guess my age at 25 when I'm not yet 22.

I could rant about how youth and beauty are overrated, but they're really not. Just ask people who go under the knife to have their sagging skin tightened, or those who get into relationships with others as young as their own children. I feel like I'm spending the prime of my life laden with such thoughts, that I'll look back on it and regret not enjoying youth and beauty while I had them. But what am I to do when I feel like I have them not, even now?

Back (again)

Dear diary,

It's been a long time since I last wrote here. For some reason I was convinced that writing something for everyone to see wouldn't really serve its purpose of letting my thoughts be heard and potentially validated, because I had this nagging idea that no one cared enough to listen. I had grown far more insecure about my style and the elegance of my thoughts and delivery, to the point where I just gave up trying to put them into words.

I'm actually not a writer. And saying this liberates me from all the weight I had put on my own shoulders to be "great" at ranting to what is essentially a public journal. I write because I feel like talking without using my voice and without having someone jump to assumptions in the middle of my sentences. I write because I no longer have patience to sculpt something out of someone's stone-rigid preconceived ideas. I write because I feel like it...and for a long time, I didn't feel like it.

I'll try to free myself from the weight of my own expectations, because some of my ideas now will definitely seem questionable to my own self later. But they're mine now, and I respect myself enough to share them.
