
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Thoughts in the early (morning)

I'm lying on a couch at 5:43 am. I've only been awake since 8 pm last night, which felt like the early morning of my warped day.

I'm unhappy. The most unhappy I remember myself being in a long time. While I know the definite reasons for this unhappiness, I know how they came about and how my recklessness was a major part of that, I keep reminding myself that life's lows are life's lessons.

I can't write very well when I'm happy. I can write fairly well when I'm stable and indifferent, but not when I'm too excited or elated. I write quite well when I'm unhappy or lonely or even depressed and frustrated, and though it's been a while since I posted anything on here, I have been very active on other, more private platforms.Those keep safe the sides of my life that I wish to remain hidden, and also provide the venting I get from writing here.

Having a good memory and a knack for keeping "mementos" from each part of my journey through life had been two of the major things that feed my nostalgia. I would love to travel to the past if possible, but for now small trips down memory lanes suffice. But as of late, they also started to feed a sense of regret for all the times I know I should have acted differently, that could have most likely spared me my current "low." I know I just said right above that lows are lessons, but some lessons are best learned by observation, not trial. I know mending one's broken heart is hard to learn by just observing, but in the midst of all the pain, a few regrets make the red carpet appearance.

Being objective and telling myself I acted in a wrong way when I really should has not always been a merit of mine. I tend to either shake my mistakes off after correcting the done damage, or lie in this endless hole of shame and misery and absolute mortification, blaming my mistakes on my nature rather than my conscious (or unconscious) actions. I don't do self-accountability exactly right, which is a shame because I really need to learn how to.

I don't have a very healthy self-image. I work on that when I'm in a good place mentally and emotionally, but every once in a while a blow to my self-esteem causes me to try to rebuild what was shattered and broken down from the foundation rather than build on it. It gets disheartening at times, but I know it's worth the effort every time I look in the mirror and feel grateful for what I see.

I'm still rather emotionally inclined while making decisions. I appreciate it because it helped me maintain most of my current healthy relationships. It led me to some paths I wish to never tread again, but I'll count it as a blessing in today's solid, rational, materialistic world.

It's quite different for me writing this post, because contrary to my others on this blog, it doesn't revolve around an idea. It's just a bunch of stuff I wanted written down to remind me of my thought process during this time of my life. I'll try to be more frequent in writing on here, because frankly I need it more than anything right now. Although my other platforms which have been either private or anonymous offered some relief at time of need, I think it's about time I got back to being myself.

If you reached the end of this kind of irrelevant post, I truly thank you. Till next time!


  1. Hello Monica! I hope everything is going well for you! I installed a new operating system on my computer and forgot to save my Bookmarks the other day. So, I used my Bookmarks backup and got all my old links back, and there was the link to your blog! I have kept you in my prayers and I hope you are at peace. You sound quite sad when you write, but you look so happy in your pictures! Nice to see you picked the natural hair look! Your hair looks really nice! Well, I still don't have Facebook. I have thought about that now and then, but it just gets easier to put off reading the rules as time goes by. Life has just been too stressful lately. God bless you Monica!

    1. Hey, David!
      It really has been a long time since you last commented. I was wondering where you've been as I have no means of contacting you (which is quite the bummer, to be honest!)
      I...haven't been alright for the biggest part of the past year or so. I'm just starting to get back on my feet and face life all over again. It's a long, tiring process, but I'm grateful I'm moving forward :)

      How have you been? I really know nothing about you! I just hope you're doing well...and thank you for the well-wishing and the prayers. I deeply appreciate it.
      Oh, and if you see this, please pray for me as my finals are approaching.

      God bless! :)

    2. Hej Monica! I am sorry to hear that you have not been doing well! I hope you will soon feel like you have a wonderful, blessed life again! God bless you! Sure, you have my prayers, I need a dentist haha. :)
      It would have been nice to hear from you! I usually don't write my email address on blogs mainly because no blogger has ever sent me a spontaneous email. :(
      I have been doing OK thanks! It has felt like my stress levels have been too high for a while, but it seems to be getting better. This country is just so cold, the people and the weather (but there are a handful of warm people here!).
      Nice to see you are still writing! Are you awake and drinking coffee again haha?? If my phone would beep when I get an email, you could have someone to chat with in the wee hours of the morning. I am usually awake wishing I had something to do. God bless you! Hope to hear from you!
      PS I started a blog a while back even though I never really got started blogging due to lack of digital pictures. But you can leave a comment there and leave an email address if you want. Email addresses are not published there. I would leave an email address here, but I can't find an email field.

    3. Just commented on one of your posts leaving my email address. By the way, your photos are really pretty. :)

    4. Hi Monica! Thank you! :)
      It was nice of you to visit! I think I am going to change the text to English there.
      I logged in to my blog but there was no comment there. I checked the address I left just to be sure. It was the right address. Hmmm, I'm not sure what the problem is. You are welcome to try again if you want to. Otherwise, if you change the settings on your blog for a day or two so that you have to approve comments before they are published, I can just write my email address in a comment that you can delete before publishing. How does that sound?? Hope to talk to you soon! God bless you!

    5. I'm pretty sure I sent it. Looks like there's a bug in the process :/
      I'll do the moderating comments thing and see how it ends up. Sorry it took so long, I'm kind of in the middle of finals and studying and stuff.

    6. test Good luck with finals! :)


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